The 5th ICESD
Author Guidelines
- The paper includes the author’s name and affiliation (full address including country).
- Authors/Co-Authors may submit no more than two papers.
- There are no page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
- The File is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or low-resolution figures).
- All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
- Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
- Figures are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
- A thorough proofread is conducted to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.
Guidelines for presentation
- Authors should prepare presentation materials in PowerPoint format (.ppt .pptx or .pdf).
- Presentations and the materials should be in English.
- Presentation times are limited to 7 minutes.
- Please follow the guideline of presentation. Please download PowerPoint template :
- Please submit the presentation materials through via the link:
Please be aware that we have implemented multiple processes within our conference system, each with its own set of procedures and important dates. We will regularly update this page to keep you informed of any changes. Kindly review the following guidelines and be sure to check back here at each significant step in the process. Your attention to these updates is greatly appreciated.
Review Process
The articles submitted to ICESD will be processed through a formatting review by the editor and a substantial review by reviewer. The reviewing process is conducted by a single-blind review. The reviewers are chosen by an editor based on their expertise. The decision regarding article publication is based on the review result.
Authors must submit their papers through the system. Please note that we don’t accept submissions by email.
The process
Abstract Submission
The abstract should adhere to the guidelines and be submitted through EasyChair system. Please find the guidelines below.
Conference Fee Payment
Registration payment has been sent to the accepted abstract authors' email. Please find the payment guidelines below.
Presentation Media
The presentation format will be oral. Presentation materials (.ppt/.pptx) should be submitted to Easychair.
The Conference
The conference is divided into two sections: the General Assembly Meeting and Parallel Presentations. Further details will be provided later.
Fullpaper Submission
Fullpaper guideline and template can be found below. The submission deadline and method will be informed later.
Publication Fee Payment
Publication payment should be made after author submit the fullpaper to Morressier. Publication fee policy and invoice, sent to author's email.
01. Abstract Submission
a. Abstract Preparation
- Abstract in English only, no more than 200 words
- Should within ICESD-4 scope
- File type doc/docx
- Must be written using ICESD-4 format (Template Abstract ICESD-4 2023)
b. Abstract Submission
- Create EasyChair ( account for new user or Log in if already have an account.
- Open ICESD-4 EasyChair URL:
- Click ‘make a new submission’.
- Fill out the form:
- Authors
- Title
- Abstract
- Keywords (minimum 3 line)
- Topic, Phone/Whatsapp Number
- Abstract File
- Please note that:
- Author(s) marked as corresponding author will receive email if there any update from submission, it can be more than one author, and it can be different with corresponding author which denote in the abstract file.
- One of the authors should be marked as a presenter.
- Click ‘Submit’.
02. Conference Fee Payment
a. Participant (Non-Presenter)
Participants (non-presenter) should pay conference fee before completing their registration. Payments should be made via bank transfer to the following bank account:
Bank Account Number: 3270953335
Bank Account Name/Beneficiary: DINA SELVIA SARI
Payment receipts should be submitted to in either *.jpg, *.jpeg, or *.pdf format.
b. Presenter
- Please make conference fee payment after abstract accepted (only registration fee IDR 700K/USD 70). Submit payment receipt to EasyChair on schedule.
- Registration fee based on per submitted abstract.
- Please make payment by bank transfer to:
Bank Account Number : 3270953335
Bank Account Name/Beneficiary : DINA SELVIA SARI
Bank Name : BANK CENTRAL ASIA - If you need other payment information, please contact us.
- Submit payment receipt through EasyChair along with Required Documents.
- Follow this step to submit the payment receipt to Easychair:
-Login to EasyChair or
-Choose ‘author’
-Click Lup icon, under ‘View’ header
-Click ‘Add or update files’
-Click ‘Choose File’ and select file that has been prepared before
-Click ‘Submit’
03. Presentation Media
- Authors should prepare presentation materials in PowerPoint format (.ppt or .pptx).
- Presentations and the materials should be in English.
- Presentation times are limited to 8 minutes.
- Authors are free to choose their PowerPoint template.
- Please submit the presentation materials through EasyChair by following this step:
-Login to EasyChair or
-Choose ‘author’
-Click Lup icon, under ‘View’ header
-Click ‘Add or update files’
-Click ‘Choose File’ and select file that has been prepared before
-Click ‘Submit’
04. The Conference
a. General Assembly
Full conference program will be provided later.
b. Parallel Presentation
Presentation schedule will be provided later.
05. Fullpaper and Proceedings
a. Fullpaper preparation
Please follow this guideline for fullpaper preparation.
- Manuscripts should be original, never previously published in any scientific journal, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The paper should be written in clear English. We recommend using proofreading services to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors.
- The paper should adhere to the ICESD guidelines, which are based on the IOP-EES guideline. Fullpaper template can be downloaded through: Fullpaper Guideline ICESD
- The similarity index of the plagiarism checker should not exceed 25% (across all sections, including references).
- References should follow the guidelines using a numerical system, where the first citation is labeled as [1]. We suggest using Mendeley Reference Manager for citations and reference lists. (Install the citation style IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science or input this link through Mendeley:
- An author’s name can appear in a maximum of two papers, regardless of their position.
b. Fullpaper Submission
- Create a Morressier Account using your email for new users or Sign In.
- Visit
- Fill out the form carefully, ensuring that all fields are completed, and include all authors in
the form as comprehensively as possible. - Add the similarity check result in the provided section
- Click ‘Preview and submit,’ and then ‘Submit.’
06. Publication Fee Payment
a. Publication fee policy
Publication fee policy and invoice has been sent by committee to author’s email.
b. Payment
- Please make publication fee payment after read and agree the publication policy. Submit payment receipt to EasyChair on schedule.
- The publication fee is Rp. 2,000,000 (Indonesian author) or USD 200 (non-Indonesian author)
- Please make payment by bank transfer to:
Bank Account Number : 3270953335
Bank Account Name/Beneficiary : DINA SELVIA SARI
Bank Name : BANK CENTRAL ASIA - If you need other payment information, please contact us.
- Submit payment receipt through EasyChair along with Required Documents.
- Follow this step to submit the payment receipt to Easychair:
-Login to EasyChair or
-Choose ‘author’
-Click Lup icon, under ‘View’ header
-Click ‘Add or update files’
-Click ‘Choose File’ and select file that has been prepared before
-Click ‘Submit’